23 August 2011 - Fairbanks
I managed to have Fedora 15 for about two weeks before I gave up on Gnome3 and then decided Xfce just isn’t what I want for my laptop. Gnome 3 is missing too many small customizations not letting me quickly get rid of annoyances.
Ubuntu 11.04’s Unity was a good laptop interface. This post will be my notes of what customizations I did to make myself happy.
Google’s Chrome 64bit .deb for Ubuntu works great. Just download and let it automatically install itself.
Press the ‘windows’ key, type keyboard to get Keyboard Preferences control panel -> Layouts Tab -> Options button -> Ctrl key position -> Check Make Caps Lock an additional Ctrl
try doing that sanely in gnome 3
I’m a mouse over to focus guy. Press the ‘windows’ key, type windows -> launch Window Preferences control panel -> check Select windows when the mouse moves over them
Get dependencies for rvm plus the system ruby (handy for root)
There are a few rubygems I expect on all my systems:
For work I need GIS stuff. Getting the basics from apt is a good start. Customized qgis and gdal can come later. Default will hand you Qgis 1.4 (OUCH!) so make sure you setup the third party bleeding edge stuff. official qgis ubuntu words